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Psychiatrist in Corfu



Angeliki Andrioti was born in Corfu and grew up in Corfu and Athens. She studied medicine at the University of Athens. After completing her studies in Athens, she did her rural service at the Health Center of Lefkimmi and her specialization at the hospitals of Corfu, Samos, Tripoli, and the psychiatric section at the Dromokaitio hospital. There, she gained knowledge of psychoanalytic psychotherapy and specialized in Cognitive Analytic Psychotherapy. She also did six months of liaison psychiatry at Attikon Hospital.

Ανδριώτη Αγγελική | Ψυχίατρος Κέρκυρα | ΕΟΠΥΥ


During her training, she treated patients across the entire spectrum of psychiatry, from mild to severe cases. She conducted couple therapy and dealt with alcoholism and substance addiction.
She actively participated in the hospital shifts of the hospitals where she served, from the hospital of Corfu, the psychiatric hospital of Tripoli, Dromokaitio, and Attiko Therapeutic Center in the interconnection.
At the same time, she has been working as a psychiatrist and medical associate at the Nefeli, Climax boarding house for the past ten years. She has a private practice in Corfu since 2010, where she successfully manages all cases of psychiatric psychopathology, conducts psychotherapy and also deals with EOPYY cases in the morning.

Mental Illnesses


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